Friday, October 11, 2013

Master Sullivan - 11 months

We are one month away from the big 1 year birthday - crazy!  Sully is learning more and more everyday - it's fun to watch and be apart of as he explores the world.  

Sully loves to eat!!!  I think it's his favorite thing to do.  He eats anything and everything!  Sometimes we are eating things that he thinks we want, such as a grapefruit, we tell him he won't like it - he insists we let him try it and he LOVES it!  Definitely takes after his dad in the food department - he is fun to feed, but I'm a bit worried that our food bill is going to be out of control by the time he is 16!  We taught Sully a little hand signal to ask for "more please" - it's a blessing and a curse - cute at times but not so good when the meal is over and he keeps doing it :)

Sully is holding well at 2 good naps and 12 full hours of nighttime sleep - we continue to be so thankful for this!

He has 7.5 teeth - the one just has a little top showing.

Sully is crawling everywhere and at quite a good little pace!  He is pulling himself up on everything and even standing with no help for brief periods.  He started climbing up the stairs and within two days did our entire staircase (about 20 stairs).  

Sully transitioned into the big boy carseat this past month and it's the cutest thing - he loves being high enough to look out the window.  He talks away in the back seat to whomever and whatever we are passing by.

Sully loves to be read to.  He enjoys music - especially if it has a good beat.  He seems do be a deep thinker (unlike his mama).  He likes playing with cords and electronics - give him an extension cord and he is happy for an hour.

We are so blessed by this boy!  Happy 11 months Sullivan Richard!

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