Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bronze Medalist!

Provincials was this past weekend in Vancouver. CBC won two great games and lost one game. They finished 3rd in the Province and are looking forward to Nationals in two weeks - GO CATS GO!

2012 PacWest Bronze Medalist

The Olivers (minus Morgs) visit Abby!

Nikki, Sawyer and Coop were out two weeks ago for their yearly visit:) It was so fun to be able to see them - Sawyer has grown up SO MUCH since she was out here last year and Coop is just laid back and lovely as ever!

Sawyer - after just waking up for her nap - such a happy little lady!
just taking time to stop and smell the flowers
how cute is her little outfit?! I wear similar things when I'm hanging out around the house (minus the diaper)
Matt & Cooper
making pizza dough
good times in the kitchen
Coop & Sawyer represented at the CBC volleyball games...check out their cute shirts!

Sawyer faithfully cheered for Matt:)

Trishy joined us for an evening as well!
just hanging out at the game!
Such a treat to be able to catch up with Nikki and her kids every February (this was our 2nd Feb in a row)- I'm really hoping that this tradition carries on...I look forward to next Feb!

The Final Product

I finally finished our Valentine's craft - I love how it turned out!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Very Pinteresting Valentine's Day!

I had the GREATEST Valentine's!!! Both Matt and I worked all day. When I got home from work a candlelit hot bath awaited me.

After my bath it was supper time and thus begins my pinteresting Valentine's. Matt had gone onto my pinterest without me knowing and searched around my baords at things that I had pinned and then he brought them to life:) It's that the best idea?!?! My husband is fantastically creative!!!

Supper was "Chicken and Cheese Lasagna Roll-Ups" - they were FANTASTIC!
After supper was COUPLE'S CRAFT TIME!!! I LOVED IT!!! Matt looked at my board picked a craft I have been wanting to do, went out and bought all the supplies (and then some!) and then we crafted together that night - it was THE BEST!!!

One of the supplies needed was a staple gun - which I have been wanting for a long time...and LOOK what my Valentine got for me!!! AND I have a bad hand and it's a speical one that will make it easier on my hand...he knows me!

it was serious work
almost done - I will have to post about the finished product later - we didn't quite finish as there was more Valentine's things to do!
The FINALE of the evening - for dessert Matt made "Fruit Salsa with Cinnamon Chips"
We ate dessert while we watched a chick flick!

What a special night - I am so glad HE is MY VALENTINE!!!

Birthday Celebrations!

Matt turned 26 last Monday and his Dad 50 last Wednesday - sooooo we had to party! Matt's parents flew out for a long weekend - we started the big birthday weekend with presents late on Thursday night after they flew in.

Matt had to wait from Monday till Thursday to open his gifts - look at his excitement:)
His very own power drill!!!
Present #2 - all the pieces needed to go with the drill.
Dad sporting his new birthday present!
Friday & Saturday were filled with fellowship and volleyball. On Saturday after the game and a nice dinner out we surprised the boys with a night away at Harrison Hot Springs - it was lovely - we got our soak on in outdoor hot springs!
Sunday we came back to reality and had a whole made pizza night before Mom & Dad's plane left that evening.
One of the pizza's - such a treat!
It was a GREAT weekend!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Girls Night In

Matt was away last weekend for volleyball so I took advantage of my time and hosted a ladies night in. We filled our evening with all things girlie...we ate, pampered & chatted!

Linden was the only boy allowed:)
we ate well!
had a little issue with the bubble bath and the jets in the foot bath:)
Jess with her paraffin hands
Michelle & Ev
foot massage time
Lynden - shocked at what girls do for fun
Baby W...almost ready to make an appearance
the finished product
full bellies, pretty nails & good fellowship - it was a nice night in:)

Seasons of Love!

I've added just a few touches to our home in honor of Valentine's Day...

Chalkboard change and a easy DIY heart garland
a simple Jones soda bottle with the V-day loving

"Be Mine"
just a little red & pink touch for the fireplace mantle
the LOVE tree!