Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Miss Everly Mae - 9 months!

 Weight - 17.5lbs

Height - 27 inches

Feeding - You love to eat, specifically bread and meat!  You are eating three full meals a day with one snack.  You are, just recently, down to 3 breastfeeds a day and still 1 feed in the night (although last night you slept straight through!!!).

Sleeping -  You are sleeping fairly well.  You have two naps a day and are in bed at night for 12 hours.  You still like to eat once in the early hours of the morning and other then the occasional need for some daddy singing and cuddles in the middle of the night, you sleep.

Milestones - So many things this month!  You are crawling everywhere and getting into everything.  You like to keep up to your brothers and want to be wherever they are, doing whatever they are doing.  You have started pulling your self up to standing with the help of nearby furniture.  You FINALLY learned to roll from your back to front and now changing your diaper is a bit of a challenge as you want to conintully show off you skills.  You grew 4 new teeth this month, making your grand total 6!  You graduated into the big tub for your baths.  You are talking, singing and drumming constantly!

Likes -  your family, eating, peek a boo, baths, playing with your brothers

Dislikes - teething, being tired

Fun Times -  Attended the Bearcats Awards Formal, celebrated your first Easter and Grams & Gramps visited

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Bearcat Long Table Event

This was our third year in a row hosting the Bearcat Long Table Event.   This evening has the purpose of thanking and blessing Matt's staff for a year of hard work.  We set the gym up just like it would be for a game, bleachers out, score clock on and then put the long table right over center court.  This gym is home - so much happens here, on this very floor, that it only seems appropriate to end the year and celebrate the year, at home.  

All set up and ready to feast!

This year was a little different.  Matt opened up the floor after dinner to have people share some highlights from the year.  Highlights were shared, but his staff also used this time to BLESS, HONOR & THANK Matt for his service over the past 6 years and speak to the legacy he will leave in the Bearcat program.  I wish I could remember everything that was said, it was truly beautiful!  Matt lead well during his time as Athletic Director, he was well loved and supported by both his Coaches and Athletes!  We are excited for what is to come, but will also miss all of this...


Our Easter fun started on Palm Sunday with egg decorating

our finished eggs!

"Some Bunny Loves Me" - Evy got a sweet Easter outfit in the mail!

Good Friday we always carve out some time to talk with our kids about the real Easter story - we have eggs with items in each one that help prompt discussion about the story.  This year we decided to also watch a movie that evening - trying to really drive home the significance/story of Easter.  Unfortunately, the movie we chose, while cute, didn't talk about the cross or the tomb at all, but the boys still thought it was great night.

Easter Saturday was sunny so we went for a walk down by the river.  This was Evy's first time in the hiker backpack and Sully's second voyage on his two wheeler without training wheels (everyone is growing up).

We had a special delivery of Paska bread!  :)  Ohhhh sweet Easter bread - SUCH A TREAT - this is just another great tradition we have latched on to since moving to BC!

Easter Sunday!!!  Celebrating Jesus' resurrection!!!!

Easter Egg Hunting!

After naps on Easter Sunday we headed back to the river for some family time - it was a bit chilly, but still so nice to be outside and together.

Grams and Gramps flew in on Sunday night so Easter Monday the celebrating continued with gifts!

and a hike to Cascade Falls

Monday evening we feasted

Mr. John joined us for supper

ready to eat!

We serve a LIVING God - the awe and reality of that was fun to share with the boys.  We are so grateful for a God that would sacrifice His son for US that we could live FOREVER with Him!!!  Happy Easter indeed!

March Phone Dump

March Date night was SO FUN!  We crossed the border to Lynden and went to the roller rink!

Neither Matt nor I had roller-skated before and it was more enjoyable then we expected, not to mention a great work out :)

Nana and Papa came for a visit!

Abby Play on yet another rainy day 

celebrating report card day with donuts in the park!

St. Patrick's Day - complete with green oatmeal for breakfast!

so thoughtful!

a little visit to the local candy store!

enjoying the sunshine

this is how Evy spends her Sunday's - always sleeping during the sermon

quick IKEA visit with mom and dad - she made herself quite comfortable!

Matt had a 5 day IV steroid treatment - here he is on his last day of treatment!

first day of spring - celebrating with shared slurpees!

Sully is always crafting!

Spring Break fun at the mall - Sully held a legless lizard (which is different then a snake)

all dressed up and ready for the Bearcats Awards Formal

awards time!

our crew ready to celebrate our Bearcats!

lifesize dutch blitz with our small group

chilling with friends in the sun!
