Sunday, November 19, 2017

Miss Everly Mae - 4 Months!

Weight - 13.8 lbs

Height - 23.5inches

Feeding - You are breastfeeding anywhere between 5-8 times every 24 hours.  You officially do NOT like bottles and would rather starve then take a plastic nipple...just like your brothers.  

Sleeping - The first half of the month you were an AMAZING sleeper!  You were taking three solid naps a day and sleeping 9-10 hours stretches at night, only waking once in 13 hours to eat.  Then we took you on a little weekend getaway to California and we broke you!  You came home and started taking one hour naps and wanting to feed every three hours at night!  We are hoping this is your "4 month sleep regression" and it's now out of the way!

Milestones - You are becoming very aware of your surroundings.  You are very happy and smiley for your people, but definitely have a level of stranger danger with people you don't know.  You can roll easily from your front to back and are trying hard to get from your back to front.  You enjoy sitting in your bumbo and being apart of things.  You have started to laugh and it's the sweetest little laugh, so different from your brothers, but so fun to hear!

Likes - her family, dancing with her daddy, playing under your playmat, the bath, your bumbo, Christmas lights

Dislikes - being tired, strangers

Fun Times - Uncle Dan came to visit, your friends Abby and Declan were born, you took part in your first Wall Pumpkin Party night, you celebrated your first Halloween as a cute little strawberry, you travelled to LA to meet your cousin Gracie, your Nana, Grams & Gramps came to visit!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Sully Turns 5!

This past weekend we celebrated Sully turning 5!

Our day started with our birthday pancake tradition!

followed by present time 

and then of course testing out the presents!

The Walls came over for coffee

and then we all headed to the trampoline park!

After the trampoline park it was home for some quiet time and then Grams and Gramps arrived to help us finish celebrating the day!

and with them came more presents!

the loot

burgers for supper and cupcakes with red frosting for dessert!

Sully's 5th Year Birthday Interview

1.     Name? Sullivan
2.     How old are you? 5
3.     Nickname? Sul, Sully, Silly
4.     Who is in your family? Everly, Mom, Branson, Daddy
5.     Favorite color? red and green
6.     Favorite food? burgers
7.     Favorite thing to do? swim
8.     Favorite toy? lego
9.     Favorite book? "If You Give A Moose A Muffin"
10. Favorite TV show or movie? Paw Patrol
11. Favorite song? Every Giant Will Fall – Rend Collective
12. Favorite animal? Hippo
13. Best Friends? Lily
14. What do you take to bed with you at night? 2 bears
15. What do you want to be when you grow up? concrete man
16. What makes you happy? silly things, playing fun stuff
17. What’s your favorite thing to do with your family? be together, play games
18. Favorite Birthday present? scooter, LiteBrite, melting beads, LumberJax Logs
19. What did you do today? Had pancakes, opened presents, went to the trampoline park with the Walls, welcomed Grams and Gramps, ate burgers & cupcakes!
20. What are some of your biggest accomplishments in the past year? entered Kindergarten, started to read, ride a bike without training wheels at Lily’s house, write letters, becoming much more independent

Happy 5th Birthy Sully - we LOVE you!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Meeting Gracie Mae

Last weekend Matt, Evy and I headed down to California to met our new niece/cousin!

Evy's first plane ride!

Nathan picked us up at the airport and we stopped at his office before heading home - this is his desk at work #somanyscreens

LA traffic is exhausting!

Our trip was short and had only one purpose - to meet our new niece!  Gracie Mae is so chill and sweet - it was fun to see the girls together and to see Nathan and Caitlin as parents.  

Everly enjoyed playing with all of Gracie's cool toys!

I can't wait to watch these girls grow up - hoping they will have fun adventures together - I wish we didn't live to far apart!

tummy time!

Excited to all be together at Christmas again - the girls will have grown so much!  What a fantastic blessing new life is!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

October Phone Dump

October's random assortment of pictures....

showing off her blanket made by Grams

Sully's turkey - thought of and made all by himself!

off to a friends baby shower together

our small groups newest members - all born within a month of each other and in this picture weighing in at 15.1lbs (oldest), 12lbs & 11.6lbs (youngest)

Papa and Nana Shan came to visit!

getting to know their first great grand daughter!

the boys had the best time with their "greats!"

I celebrated my 33rd birthday in October - my day started with a lovely breakfast in bed

after church we headed out to brunch with some of our favorites and then played in the sun - it was a BEAUTIFUL day out!

33 - with 3 kids and one hot hubby :)

the next night we headed over to Tim and Trish's for a FEAST and of course, as per tradition, ice cream cake!

Evy sitting in her gumbo for the first time - having a staring contest with her giraffe

Uncle Dan came to visit - they boys were PUMPED to have him here!

checking out Fieldhouse Brewery with Uncle Dan - can't believe we hadn't been there yet!

Evy wasn't as excited as the rest of us about lunch!

Dan came at a weirdly perfect weekend - Matt ended up having to work a lot of it and I was SO THANKFUL to have an awesome brother in law/uncle here to help with the minions - always fun to hang out with Dan (although we did miss having Hailey too)!

one sunny morning we did the "Land of Boo" scavenger hunt at Highstreet!

Pumpkin Picking at Willowview Farms

group pic in the apple orchard

our October weather did not disappointment - we enjoyed many trips to the park and playing outside in the sun!

we had a windy fews days and lost a ton of leaves all at once - it was fun to play in them!

the end of October brought the arrival of 2 VERY special baby's!  Abigail and Declan arrived within days of each other and we felt like we were living in baby paradise!