Friday, February 1, 2019

January Phone Drop

We made it through January!!!  Here are some pictures from the past month...

January book club books - thanks Grams and Gramps!

Evy made the switch from an infant car seat to a big girl one - she's pretty proud of it!

My new favorite decor items - handmade with love by our very talented sister in law!

little building project

January Date night - snacks and planning 2019 together

church skate with daddy

Evy has been sick off and on the past month - she always love a snuggle with her papa but even more when she is sick

sharing coffee on the couch

this past month they have been playing SO well together - it's fun to see!

one day we drove to Manning to find some snow for snowshoeing - it was a BEAUTIFUL day for a great work out with friends!

and then we fed birds from our hands...similar to disney princesses

the crew!

birthday party's that end with dress up time are the best!

checking out the a new restaurant in town - it was good!

baby showering a very special little lady

Fun Family Adventure this month took us to Yarrow - we checked out their bakery and played at the river

shopping with dad

 Fehr's came to visit and Joanne taught Sully how to roll buns :)  She has taught me a lot over the years so it seems fitting that she would teach my son a thing or two!

One of Branson's birthday gifts was a KIWI Crate - it as a fun gift - full of creativity and learning - currently this body hangs on the back of the boys bedroom door - come over and Branson will teach you a thing of two about the human body