Thursday, July 14, 2011

Good-bye Friend...

My roomie from college is moving across the US from Seattle to Chicago where her hubby will be attending Wheaton. Ruthie and I have been fortunate enough to live within two hours of each other for the majority of our time post university - we have gotten together a couple times a year which has been such a treat! Our times visiting each other will be a little more spaced out now - we are going to miss the Cairns, but are excited for this new chapter of life for them!

Last week, Ruthie and I got together for one more afternoon together in Fairhaven - we painted pottery while we shared about life and solved the world's problems.

The finished product...
As my good friend Michael says..."Friends are friends forever if the Lords a Lord of them and a friend will not say never and the welcome will not end. Though it's hard to let you go in the father's hand we know that a lifetimes not to long to live as friends!"

Safe journey Thomas and Ruth - know that you are loved and will be missed!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Night with Menno!

We babysat Menno the other night - we had a great time - he is easy to please and so full of laughs!

Airplane Rides
Rider Pride
Go Riders Go!!!
Hahaha - this picture makes me laugh - Menno was having a great time giggling away and then every time we took a pic he was so serious!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


It's been a busy couple of weeks - below are some random shots to share...

During the playoffs we were house hunting - this evening in particular Matt had worked all day and then went to check out a house before picking me up from work - he got to my work a little early and wanted to watch the game - I came into our little staff room and saw Matt hanging out with the big deal:)
Grandma Akre's Crepes - only skilled professionals can make these properly
Matt has mastered the art!
Moving up in the world...
On June 30/July 1 we moved from the first floor of our apartment up to the fourth floor - we love our new place - we have a guest bedroom (hint hint), there is no one above us and we have big windows and LOTS of sunlight - note that it no longer looks like these pics - we have moved in - we will have to post 'after' pics at some point
Retirement Party - a wonderful nurse that has worked in our unit for the past 20 years has retired! I had the privilege of working with her for the past 4 years - she will be missed!