Thursday, August 11, 2011

Love Filled Saturday!

After spending a week in the Dids, Matt and I continued on our way up to see the Kaminski side of the family. On our way we stopped and saw some people we love:) So many people all in one day - it was glorious!

We met Alise and Nathan for brunch in Edmonton.
My sweet friend!
Matt and Nathan were getting jealous of Alise and my they got in on some of the action:)
How cute are they?!
Next stop was the Oliver household. Sawyer was napping when we arrived so before we left she woke up to a household of people - she took a little while to warm up to us post nap.

Love this face!
We are friends again:)
Just doing some reading
Our final stop of the day was the Parkinson farm for supper and games.

We had a GREAT meal and dessert was a delicious Saskatoon Berry Pie - Ezra LOVED it!
I enjoyed my cuddles with Ryder!
Matt and Ezra playing
Auntie and her little men