Thursday, May 17, 2018

Miss Everly Mae - 10 months!

Weight - 18lbs

Height - 27.5 inches

Feeding - You so enjoy eating and there is nothing you won't try! I think bread is still your favorite, but you like meat, fruit and veggies too!  You breastfeed three times a day morning, after morning nap and at bedtime.  You are officially weaned during the night!!! 

Sleeping -  You are taking two good naps a day and are sleeping through the night (10-12 hours), the only problem is since you quit eating at night you are waking up EARLY, mostly after 6, but we have had the occasional 5 am wake up!

Milestones - You are at a really fun age!  You are constantly pulling yourself up to standing and have started trying to stand without holding onto something and walk while pushing things.  You like to climb on things and keep up with your brothers.  You love to sing, loud and proud!  You started clapping and giving kisses this past week and it's CUTEST thing!

Likes -  your family, eating, water, being outside, music

Dislikes - being hungry, sleeping when you don't want to

Fun Times -  Visited the Abby Tulip Fields, Hiked Ledgeview, Celebrated Mother's Day

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