Sunday, February 18, 2018

Miss Everly Mae - 7 Months!

Weight - 16lbs

Height - 26 inches

Feeding - You are down to just 5 breastfeeds in 24 hours!  You are eating two meals a day.  You like to feed yourself and are are not a huge fan of purees.  You mostly eat whatever we are eating.  You mush things around and occasionally swallow them.  You are a happy, messy little eater.

Sleeping -  I feel like you have made leaps and bounds in this category over the past month (although you still have a ways to go).  You are fairly constantly taking 2 naps a day (although occasionally still need 3 if they are too short).  You are in bed for 12 hours a night and for the past two weeks have only breastfeed once a night.  You just needed (and continue to need) a little, middle of the night, sleep training by your loving daddy!

Milestones - You can sit up all by yourself!  You have been practicing your crawling stance.  You get up on all fours and rock back and forth.  You still only roll from your front to your back, but you wiggle yourself around enough to see whatever you want to.  You are very chatty and have the best squeal!

Likes - your family, eating, crunchy toys, the bath/shower, music, things that make sounds (you use your nails on fabric to make different noises and are constantly drumming on things), being tickled on your sides right under your ribs 

Dislikes - being hungry or tired, strangers (especially when tired)

Fun Times - Gramps came to visit, we partied for Branson and Daddy's birthday's, you celebrated your first Family Day and Valentine's Day!  

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