Sunday, January 17, 2016


I'm here with a "Public Service Announcement" of sorts.  I have decided that for now (not sure for how long) that I will be significantly cutting back on blogging.  So sorry to my five readers out there ;)  I will still blog once a month and randomly here and there, but it won't be the every week kind of deal that it has been over the years.  This may not last long - I've blogged for almost 10 years and I do enjoy having a "memory book" of sorts or it may last forever - who knows.  For those of you who can't live without seeing our faces I have committed to instagramming 1 picture a day for 2016.  You can follow me on instagram @sarahjanekaminski

Blessings to you all and we will see you every once and awhile :)


Nikki Oliver said...

Sad, but understandable!

Steve & Kristine said...

I love checking in with your family here've put together such a beautiful memory treasure trove here!

Steve & Kristine said...

I love checking in with your family here've put together such a beautiful memory treasure trove here!