Wednesday, September 2, 2015

August Phone Dump

September is here which means August has already come and gone - wow!  Here are a few random pictures from our last month of summer!

Sully (& Matt) went to a birthday party at our local Trout Hatchery - they BOTH had a GREAT time!

the kids being educated on how to properly cast 

brothers playing

early morning snuggles

happy boy after his morning nap

"keeping it cool as always"

this meeting of the minds is the official start of Matt's new school year - all of his coachs get together to talk about the year ahead

post bath

we met up with friends for a quick lunch visit - 3 moms & 5 babies all fit in one booth!

enjoying our backyard on a warm summer evening - we did a lot of outdoor eating this summer

sharing a meal with friends means these two get some hang out time :)

football watching boys

Sully found his winter toque and had to wear it even though it was +30 in our house

bath time bobsledders

on our way to a wedding reception - looking "cool" in our sunglasses

Sully had his first movie night of his little life this month - we watched Disney's "Bears" and fast forwarded through the fighting scenes

Mak & Brans

enjoying the warm weather - playing at the park

I left this guy playing with baby toys on the other side of the room - I left and came back and he had rolled over to his brothers tools - can't keep Kaminski men away from tools :)

these are the faces of two people that just slept through the night...the entire night for the first time in B's little life (he hasn't done it since this night - but I have hope!)

baking with mom

post church family coffee date - we talked about our highs and lows from the summer

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