Saturday, November 23, 2013

Mish Mash

A little bit from the past week...

Abbotsford's Target has finally opened and it is such a TREAT!!!

we have already been multiple times

Mom & Dad Morgan were out for a week - we took full advantage of the situation on so many different levels - it was such a treat to spend time with them and as always so fun for us to have extra help with Sully!  

Mom and I made 25 freezer meals one day

mom got me my first Starbucks Christmas drink of the season!

we went on a few different date nights (yes we are at Walmart on our date night - Christmas present buying)

Matt and I went to our new movie theatre in town - we went to a movie and were the only ones in the entire theatre - let's hear it for Thursday night date nights!!!

we sometimes dress as a team

 Sully's birthday love continues with gifts from our good friends in Lloyd - a cute Sully hat and wonderfully soft blanket!  He loves both items!

 we are getting into the Christmas season at our house - I made stockings this year for everyone - I have a few more crafting items yet to go...

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