Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Happy Canada Day!!!

We had a wonderful day celebrating Canada!  We are so blessed to live in the country we do!

Good Morning!

It was a HOT day and we spent most of our morning outside enjoying it!

Canada Day afternoon we headed over to sweet Paisley's Cheerios themed first birthday party!

and it just so happened to be a pool party!!!  

Sully got his sweet chillax on with Amber - they had a nice float for some time!

Supper time!

Watching the gifts being opened

the sweet birthday girl and her Cheerio cake

 after the party we came home and had some friends over for dessert

 this dessert has become a bit of a tradition for Canada Day - hand picked strawberries with homemade shortcakes - mmmm so good - poor Matt was sweating in our house baking these little guys!

 to end our day we went to the fireworks - we woke Sully up to go and he did great - he was happy and super snugly - a great combination!

waiting for the fireworks to start

 Sully was SO CUTE during the fireworks - he just sat on the blanket talking, giggling, waving his arms and watching the show!

We are SO Proud to be Canadian!

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