Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

I am so thankful to have an amazing mom and mother-in-law!  Matt and I have both been blessed to have Godly, loving women raise us  - what an example they are to me!  

It's been fun for us to watch our mom's become Grandma's!

Mom K

Mom M

The two men in my life spoiled me on Sunday - what a treat being a mom on Mother's Day!

Good morning greeting from Sully - this guy wakes up happy every morning!

My favorite - waffle Sunday!

Beautiful flowers from my men!

and other treats:)  Sully knows what his mom likes!

Matt had plans to spend the day in Stanley park, but unfortunately the weather was a bit unpredictable so we opted for indoor activities.  Matt packed a picnic lunch and off we went to Ikea!

and this place...

one of Canada's first Targets - we like it!

Such a fun day with my boys - I felt very loved!  I am thankful to the Lord that he made me a mama!

When You called me to be a mom you didn't ask for perfection...
but that with every breath, I'd point them to You - May I be found faithful!

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