Friday, February 22, 2013

Grandma & Grandpa Visit

Grandma and Grandpa Morgan came out for a quick visit - we had a great time - Sully got to show them all his new tricks...things like batting at toys, social smiling, jumping in his jolly jumper etc:)

Treats at the diner in Fort Langley - Sully wanted a taste of his Grandpa's shake!

Playing with Grandma

Sully is wearing his new vintage shirt  (I use to have the same one when I was little)

going for a walk - this was his first time in his stroller - I don't know who liked it more Sully or my dad - he said strollers have come a long way:)

My parents babysat Sully one night so that we could go on a Valentine's date - what a treat!  Matt took me up Grouse Mountain for supper - it was a beautiful snowy paradise and dinner was delicious!!!

My Valentine

Thanks mom and dad for letting us have a special night out just the two of us - we so appreciated it! 

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