Monday, June 18, 2012

Baby K

Many of you know by now that our plans for this next year took a very different, but exciting turn sometime in March:)  Matt and I found out that we were going to be parents, something that we had been slowly preparing for as we were going through the adoption process, but the change of events was that our first child is going to be biological!!!

As many of you also knew, our adoption agency that we had been working with went under in January leaving us a little poorer and having to start the adoption process practically from scratch again with a new agency.  This closure not only affected us, but with us another 300 families that were all being displaced to other organizations thus overloading the few other organizations in BC.  So even though this was a bit of a surprise to us, we see that there is such wisdom in giving  the adoption world in BC time to figure itself out and hopefully we will again dive back into it in a couple of years - but for now we are so thankful for a little person that is being grown in my uterus even as I write this blog...we have been blessed!

March 28, 2012 - the day we found out:)

We celebrated that day with ordering pizza (little things excite us)

A couple of days later I came home to this..."The Pregnancy Survival Kit" made lovingly by my husband!

Matt had researched all things pregnancy and the kit has proven to be very useful - it included things such as:
crackers, ginger tea & gingerale - for nausea
tennis ball, big bouncy ball, heat pack & body pillow - for comfort
tums - for heart burn
books - for learning
lotion - for stretch marks
box of tissue - for my crazy emotions
It was perfect! 

We were so excited to tell our family about the baby - we bought some special onesies for the occasion.

Nathan got to find our first as he was the first family we saw

then Dad K

and Mom K

followed that afternoon by Mom M

We made a special late night trip to see Papa Kaminski to tell him the news

And finally Dad M

Sorry we don't have pics of Becca, Dan & Hailey hearing the news, but know that they are all very excited and very fun to share our news with.  We are so glad that the cat is out of the bag - we are not good at keeping secrets - especially such big deal ones.

So now if you didn't know you do now - please be praying for us as we continue to grow this special little baby and prepare to be parents!


NBouchard said...
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Elizabeth Sandell said...

YAY!!!! I love that little baby already!!