Wednesday, March 16, 2011


This past week I had 6 days off in a row as I was planning on heading to Montreal for Matt's Nationals. Due to expense of the plane ticket we decided it was wiser for me to stay on the west coast and head down to Oregon to see Rebecca. I ended up taking the train down south (very affordable) and spent six days relaxing/working on my last neonatal course. I got a lot of both things accomplished! I also had time for some nice walks - spring is trying to come to Oregon - the flowers are up!

Thankfully all of Matt's games were broadcast live on the internet. I spent many hours watching this screen and cheering loudly (I can't even imagine what Becca's neighbors were thinking of all the noise)!
And I'm sure more of you already know, but the CBC Bearcats WON GOLD - they are the best team College team in CANADA!!!!
Becca and I celebrated the win with a fondue party!
Thank you Becca for having me for the week it was fun to be able to invade your life and see what life is like for you on a daily basis. Love you!

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