Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mennonite Country

Last Sat Matt and I along with Dano, Chad and Alysse headed to the annual, much anticipated, MCC (Mennonite central committee) sale! Things were fairly picked over - we heard the sale was quite busy the night before, but it was still a fun time!
They were auctioning off some beautiful quilts!!! I love a good auction - makes me want to bid on things!
The highlight of the sale was the 'food court.' They had food from all over the world. (see pic below - we didn't eat any of it - we thought it was too soon!)
RollKuchen and Watermelon
Here is a good menno enjoying some rollkuchen!
Dano eating up some hand made perogies and farmers suasage!
mmmm mmmm good!

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