Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Abbotsford Family Christmas

We celebrated our little family Christmas on Sunday night - I always enjoy our special time together just our little family!

We ordered White Spot take our for our Christmas dinner - best decision!

Christmas dinner - candle lit take out - we're fancy like that!

Branson helping Evy open her gift - while she was all heart eyes for her daddy :)

Everly loved her gift - a new teether!

and the boys were pumped on their walkie talkie's - they basically think they just scored cellphones :)

and for everyone - new slippers! 

reading the Christmas story and talking about why we receive gifts at Christmas

in their stockings - their new ornament for the year

never will we have a 5 year old - 2 year old - 5 month old at Christmas again - though we are exhausted, I still don't want to forget these special times!

it was a merry evening indeed!

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