Monday, October 31, 2016

October Phone Dump

Oct 31 today - here is a random assortment of pictures from our busy month....

we got a new rug for our bedroom - it was Branson approved! 

games night with the Schmulands!

my birthday gift!  a 2017 agenda!

Sully's first field trip!

dinner with the Kraftchick family!

friends of ours have a BIG dog :)

CBC's Annual Turkey Bowl - staff vs students

Thanksgiving with the Tysdal family

our Thanksgiving Tree

family hike on Thanksgiving Monday

we have been trying to fly a kite for months but it is hardly ever windy in Abbotsford - we finally got a day and it was SO FUN, until I flew it into a tree :(

Sully was invited over to our friends Cara & Daniel for a special morning of baking cookies and hanging out!

a fundraiser for our unit - Party for the Prems!

fort making with the boys

B & L - reading the "truck" book to their "babies"

baking with Nana

we had a bit of a situation the night we were trying to fly out to's a long story...but these people (along with the Schmulands) saved our BUTTS - they all stepped up and took care of things so we could still leave and make our plane!

Sully went to a "Frozen" themed birthday party and got to go skating at it!

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