Friday, December 11, 2015

Twinkle Tour 2015

We went on our annual Twinkle Tour this past week!  Matt and I have done this little tradition since we were married.  We head to Tim Horton's - pick up a warm drink - crank the Christmas tunes and tour the lights of our little town.

Here we are about to head out - you may have noticed...

our MATCHING SWEATERS!!!  No we don't own them, we borrowed them from a friend, but I think we may need some!  What better for a family twinkle tour than matching Christmas sweaters?!

Sully loves the twinkle tour - last year and this year he was old enough to be pumped about the lights.  Matt and I were joking that the boys probably won't think the Twinkle Tour is as cool when they are 14 and 16 but you better believe we will still be doing it every year (and hopefully in our matching sweaters!) #coolparents

We drove to the other side of town so we could see the manger!  Sully was especially excited to see the shepards (I will let you guess why ;)

The Reason for the Season!

As always Abbotsford did not disappoint!

Back at home after our tour - here is a walk down memory lane for you...Twinkle Tour 2015





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