Tuesday, November 3, 2015

October Phone Dump

Some random pictures from our month...

Two ladies that I work with are currently being treated for breast cancer - they are amazing woman - both full of strength and courage.  A bunch of us from work participated in the 'Run for the Cure' in their honor.

We had a birthday party at our local Apple Barn - they have a giant trampoline pillow - so much fun!

Date night to IKEA - picking up new chairs for our living room.

Sully approved of our purchases.

That's a little mirror B is holding - he LOVES to stare at himself :)

Sleeping baby.

B with his little friend Makenna - they are 3 weeks different in age and are really fun together

We got a new couch - this was the first night we had it :)

Watching football - representing Rider Pride well.

Just chilling in the chair.

Woman's Volleyball Brunch

Matt got crafty creating the Turkey Bowl trophy for his school's annual Staff vs Student Thanksgiving Turkey Bowl

sunny October days for the win!

these boys love to swing

Sully rocked his cleaning

Branson had his 15 minutes of fame - I was taking this picture at our local mall and a lady asked if she could take a picture of Branson for the mall - later that day he appeared on their instagram feed

Sully acts strange when he's sick.  On this particular day he wasn't feeling well but also was refusing to have an afternoon nap.  I was in my room folding laundry.  He came in and told me is wasn't tired - I told him ok but he had to sit on my bed while I finished my laundry - I came back 5 minutes later and he was out!

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