Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter 2015

Happy Easter from two of the cutest little bunnies I ever did see!

Easter Sunday - the boys had matching shirts - I had to and I can't promise that it won't happen again - it was the cutest thing.  Sully loved that he was the "same same" as Branson!

another motherhood dream checked off the list - two little matching boys!

after naps on Easter Sunday it was time for Easter Baskets!

Sully was very excited - new swim trunks!!!

and then the Easter egg hunt...also very fun for Sully!

he was very into it

the loot!

Branson trying to figure out what all of the excitement is about :)

Sully and Daddy digging through the finds - Sully didn't realize till near the end of the hunt that there were treats in each egg 

Happy Easter from our family to yours - we are so thankful for the sacrifice that was made for us!  And as Sully put it "Jesus died - He's back and we're happy" - so happy :)

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