Tuesday, March 31, 2015

CBC Athletic Banquet 2015

On Friday night Matt and I attended our 7th CBC Athletic Banquet together in the past 8 years (we missed one while we were away in Uganda).  This was Matt's third year as Athletic Director and thus the host of the evening.  He throws a good banquet!  It's nice to get all the coaches and players together in one room for one last night and to honor specific players for different reasons.  It's especially fun for me to see the impact Matt has on the program and coaches and players - I think he's pretty awesome at his job!

Matt and Phil have been together in this program since 2007.  They started as being team mates, later Phil was Matt's assistant coach and just recently Phil worked as the Men's Volleyball head coach and Matt as Athletic Director.  This was Phil's last year as coach - I have never known the program without Phil and Cheryl - it will be strange not to have them around and very strange next year to go to the banquet without them.  I'm thankful to volleyball for bringing us together - since we have met we have together experienced 2 weddings, 2 graduations, numerous house moves and job changes and most recently have welcomed three new humans into our family's - that's a lot of life lived in 7 years!  

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