Saturday, April 12, 2014

Life with a Little Man

Our days are full and I have done a poor job at taking pictures in the last little bit.  Here is a smorgasbord of the last couple of weeks of life with a little man :)

The weather has allowed some awesome play time outside - Sully can find mud anywhere - he likes to get as dirty as possible when he's playing!

 We took a trip across the border to the dairy for our first ice cream cone of the season

Sully is still learning the fine art of licking not biting the ice cream

we spent last Saturday morning checking out a local thrift store

Sully found some baby chicks and was fascinated by them - he loves animals!

we have the BEST babysitter - she made these cute little Easter bunnies with the boys last week - Sully was so proud to show off his creation

  we hosted Matt's staff for a year end BBQ - we put the boys on the couch to take a picture of them and Sully, without prompting, put his arm around Shaka :)

 Sully's newest trick

 just some general cuteness

Sully loves visiting Matt at work - as soon as we pull into the school parking lot he starts yelling "Daaaaad" and pointing to the gym building

a little milk snuggle before bed - the best!

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