Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hi Ho Hi Ho It's Off To Work We Go...

Just as soon as moving was finished the renovations began!  Mom and Dad Kaminski were here for almost a week and my mom for three days so we put them to work and they worked HARD!  We are so so THANKFUL to them for all that they did for us!  We even left them one afternoon to relax and we came home and they had worked the whole time...that's dedication!

We were originally just going to paint...BUT then we decided why paint around the ugly baseboards and trim if we were just going to replace it anyway...AND why paint to the roof if we were someday going to put crown moulding in - if you give a mouse a cookie!  We are very happy with the results and although it's far from finished we have a good start on Sully's room and the main room.

Ripping off the old trim

Edging Sully's Room

someone caught me painting (mostly I was on Sully duty!)

this corner has proven to be a bit difficult...

once you own a home this store becomes a bit like a candy shop - so FUN all the possibilities!

Dad and Matt installing crown moulding - they did a fantastic job!

crown moulding in the scary corner - I'm thankful for a tall family!

Mom cleaned like a boss!!!  You could literally eat off my floors and walls!

You could also eat out of my light fixtures - thanks mom!

and what do you do with a 4 1/2 month old during all this fun...

playing in the kitchen next to the vacuum

much time was spent in the exersaucer watching the adults work

the carrier was used - this way he could feel apart of the action 

helping the men learn how to use their new tools

The week wasn't all work (although honestly - most of it was) 
Mom K and I went to get Happy Birthday Pedi's!

and of course there were time for some Sully snuggles along the way!

Thank you Mom and Dad K and Mom M we are grateful!

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