Thursday, March 15, 2012

Men's CCAA Volleyball Nationals

CBC hosted the CCAA Men's Volleyball Nationals this year - tournament planning was a big part of Matt's job this year. So not only did he help organize and plan the weekend he also got to be a player in the tournament. It was a great tournament - VERY well run!!! There was nothing by positive comments!

CBC fought hard and ended up in fourth place in the country - not too bad if you ask me:)

(The pictures in this post were taken by the VERY talented Jordan Nielson - there are more photo's on the CCAA 2012 National Championship website)

CBC's first game of the tournament. The gym looked great - the floor was brought in all the way from Calgary.

Matt played amazing!!! He will sure miss playing volleyball at this level, but he can be very proud of the 3.5 years he played as a Bearcat!

Matt received a second team allstar for his performance at Nationals!
The Bearcats didn't win a Gold Medal - but the character of their team shone through the weekend and they received, for the second year in a row, the fair play award - aka the sportsmanship award!!!
It was a great weekend and Matt has sooo much to be proud of!

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