Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend

One of the very best parts of being a dual citizen is that we get to celebrate Thanksgiving twice a year! Ever since I was little we celebrated Thanksgiving both in October as well as November...which really, can you ever have too much turkey - or be thankful for too much?

Becca was able to come up for an extra long weekend to celebrate with us - for that we were thankful!

Preparing the feast.
our Thanksgiving meal
Becca and I did some crafting that evening with a thrift store plate, some paint and stencils:)
Matt with his home-made apple pie - it was DELICIOUS!!!
In our house, the Christmas season begins on the Friday after Thanksgiving Thursday.
Out came the Christmas decorations and the fun continued on.
That evening we watched ELF (as per the Kaminski household tradition).
Saturday morning we woke and had cinnamon bun brunch!
And Saturday night we headed out to a Christmas concert - complete with a full choir and orchestra!
I love this time of year - so good to celebrate with family - so much to be thankful for!

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