Friday, May 20, 2011

Olivers in Abby!

Morgan, Nikki and Sawyer were staying at our house while we were on our cruise - it was fun to come home to them - we miss having them in Abby!

Sawyer picked us some beautiful 'welcome home' dandelions!
the house is full of giggles when Sawyer is here:)
Matt and Sawyer
more giggling!
playing dress up with Auntie!
we came home unpacked and then repacked to go again - Sawyer tried to sneek into our luggage:)
Sawyer checking things out with the boys
Nikki was here too - I don't know why I don't have any pictures of her - she is looking beautiful as usual!!!

So nice to see old friends - we miss our days living in the same town but enjoy the treats of seeing each other a couple times a year. We are excited for them and all that the next couple of months are going to bring there way!

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