Thursday, February 17, 2011

Visit from the Olivers (minus one)

Nikki and Sawyer were in BC this past week and we were privileged to get to hang out with them for a few nights. Last Sat. night CBC was playing in Vancouver so we packed out the vehicle full of ladies and headed down. Before we left we decided to spur of the moment make Sawyer a little jersey so everyone knew who the cute baby was cheering for. We were so spur of the moment that we just left Sawyers shirt on her and started drawing (only a little permanent marker got on her actual skin:).
Happy Sawyer at the game!
Cheering for her boys!
She was a huge fan hit - total strangers staring and coming up and commenting on her cuteness.
Laura and friend also met us at the game to help cheer on our team!
Sawyer and Dano hanging out post game.
Supper on Wednesday night.
I got to give Sawyer a bath - I love the baby bath times!
People should never leave me alone with their children - crazy things happen:)

Reading a bedtime story together - it was very funny!
This morning we went over to the Friesen's so that Sawyer could meet Menno - cuteness doubled!
So fun to have Nikki and Sawyer out to visit - made us miss Morgs - but we were happy for two out of the three:)

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