Monday, April 12, 2010


We got back today from a great weekend away. The couple Matt works with took us away for the weekend as a thank you for Matt’s time here. We went to Jinja! It was a lovely weekend full of great food and fellowship. We spent a lot of time by the pool and lots of time eating – what more could a person ask for! The weather was great! On Saturday early evening, we took a boat tour out on Victoria Lake and saw the ‘source’ of the Nile. Last night we spent the night in town at the guesthouse that Matt and I lived at for the four and a half months that we lived in Kampala. It was fun to see the staff again – they were excited to have us back for one more night. This morning we went into the Kampala Babies Home to see Meg☺

Other then our trip to Jinja life has been fairly routine. Rashid’s hand continues to improve, the babies continue to get smarter and Meg is trying her darndest to sit up without help!

We have two weeks left…crazy…trying to prepare our hearts for leaving – I don’t know how to do that exactly!


Darcy said...

SJ and Matt, I loved how you shared your journey and let us know what and who to pray for. Looking forward to seeing you but will pray for your as you prepare to leave the little ones and people that have attached so closely to your hearts.

Steve and Correna said...

Don't worry about preparing your heart...your mom will help you with that! Blessings and lots of love these next few weeks! C&S&E

Gloria said...

You are right... there is absolutely no way YOU can prepare your heart... but God will help you through it.. He always does!

Will be praying for you and thinking of you lots over the next 2 weeks.
Who will keep me updated on Georgie Porgie now?????