Monday, November 19, 2018

Sully's 6th Birthday!

Sully turned 6 last weekend!  We spent the weekend celebrating him.  He planned our weekend, from the activities to the food menu.  It was a blast!

On Saturday we went swimming with our framily!  And then home for some pizza and cupcakes.

Gramps and Gramps flew in on Saturday evening and Sunday before church we had a pancake breakfast together.

Daddy's specialty!

After breakfast we headed to church.

after church it was home for presents!

the loot!

for lunch Grams & Gramps treated us to Red Robin's

And then, that evening, Sully got to share his birthday supper with BOTH sets of grandparents - it was a real TREAT!

Sully's 6th Birthday Interview

1.     Name? Sully
2.     How old are you? 6
3.     Nickname? Sul, Bo, Sulenburger, Sulbear
4.     Who is in your family? Grams & Gramps, Nana & Papa, Daddy, Mommy, Everly, Bransy
5.     Favorite color? Red, green, black
6.     Favorite food? Hamburgers
7.     Favorite thing to do?  Sports, biking, beading, fishing
8.     Favorite toy? beading
9.     Favorite book? Curious George
10. Favorite TV show or movie? Paw Patrol
11. Favorite song? Go Tell it On Mountain
12. Favorite animal? Bear
13. Best Friends? Lily & Eva
14. What do you take to bed with you at night? Blanket bear, Bailey Bear, Dolphin, Turtle
15. What do you want to be when you grow up? Artist
16.  What makes you happy? Hugs & Kisses
17. What’s your favorite thing to do with your family? Swimming
18.  What did you do today? Pancake breakfast, Church, Gifts, Red Robins, watched the Riders game, supper with Grams, Gramps, Nana, Papa & cupcakes for dessert!

19. What are some of your biggest accomplishments in the past year?  Ride a two wheeler, learned to skate, learned to read, graduated kindergarten, learning French, learned to use the oven

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy - we LOVE you!!!

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