Wednesday, November 28, 2018

American Thanksgiving

Auntie Becca, for her ninth year in a row, made the trek up for American Thanksgiving!

Our festivities were delayed a day as Canadians' don't get the day off work so Friday we Black Friday shopped...

and that evening we feasted!

Such a treat to have mom and dad in the same town now - what a special Thanksgiving indeed!

as per tradition, after our feast the Christmas season begins in our house and that means...CHRISTMAS JAMMIES!!!!

be still my heart....

and the following morning...cinnamon buns!
that afternoon we put up our tree and hung the outdoor lights.

On the Monday we went over to mom and dads for supper and watched the Thanksgiving Day parade that they had tapped - the boys were impressed!

Always fun to share time and traditions with family!

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