Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Reunion

Since Matt and I have been engaged we have shared our holiday time with both our families - normally half way through our time off we travel from one house to the other - our families graciously have dropped us off and picked us up every year.  Normally we rendezvous at a decided restaurant for a quick bite to eat and to transfer all our luggage from one vehicle to another.  This year we added a little extra fun to our transfer as we were able to meet up with our good friends Thomas and Ruthie and baby Cairns:)  So fun that us from Abbotsford were able to meet up with the Cairns who are currently living in Fresno for lunch in Edmonton!  Ruthie and I were college roomates - I love lifelong frienships - it was such a treat to be able to meet up with the Cairns and get a face to face catch up in.  Also nice for Thomas to get to meet Sully and for us to get to see Ruth pregnant - we love you both very much and are so excited about Baby C!!!

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