Thursday, February 14, 2013

Visiting Auntie Becca

The day after Matt's Birthday Sully and I boarded a plane to Oregon to have a visit with Auntie Becca for the weekend - Matt had a crazy busy weekend at work so we jumped on the opportunity to head south!

The weather was not amazing so we ended up just staying put - we mostly just relaxed, chatted, drank hot beverages and played with Sully...sorry for the lack of pictures - but do you really need to see us sitting around in our comfy's enjoying a warm steamer?! :)

Sully with his Auntie

we did do a little crafting while we were there - Becca is hosting a baby shower this weekend so we pinterested some decor!

Becca introduced me to a local treat - Dutch Bros Coffee - you drink it out of a straw - FANTASTIC!

It was a great weekend away with Becca - she is a wonderful Auntie - Sully is one lucky dude!

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