Thursday, February 14, 2013

Master Sullivan - 3 months

Sully is 3 months now!  He is currently weighing in at 15 lbs and still loves to eat!  He is sleeping well at night and as of recently has been having 8 hour stretches in between feeds - mama is loving that!  He is not the best napper - he tells me it's because he doesn't want to miss anything :)  Sully is becoming more and more interactive - he smiles and talks - he blow bubbles and try to mimic others facial movements.  He is fascinated with himself!  He loves play with his hands and recently discovered his feet and that has provided hours of entertainment!  And put a mirror in front of this guy and he can occupy himself for a good chunk of time!  He also is loving his jolly jumper and play mat!  He also been enjoying his bumbo seat - he likes to sit at the table with Matt and I during supper - he is a man of the people!

I was all like "Sully show me you Happy Valentine's Day pose" and this is what he did - should I be worried?! :)

he's his own biggest fan - he thinks he is soooo funny!

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