Friday, February 22, 2013

Grandma & Grandpa Visit

Grandma and Grandpa Morgan came out for a quick visit - we had a great time - Sully got to show them all his new tricks...things like batting at toys, social smiling, jumping in his jolly jumper etc:)

Treats at the diner in Fort Langley - Sully wanted a taste of his Grandpa's shake!

Playing with Grandma

Sully is wearing his new vintage shirt  (I use to have the same one when I was little)

going for a walk - this was his first time in his stroller - I don't know who liked it more Sully or my dad - he said strollers have come a long way:)

My parents babysat Sully one night so that we could go on a Valentine's date - what a treat!  Matt took me up Grouse Mountain for supper - it was a beautiful snowy paradise and dinner was delicious!!!

My Valentine

Thanks mom and dad for letting us have a special night out just the two of us - we so appreciated it! 

Tax Season

I realize that tax time is a time that many people loathe...I look forward to it each year:)  I have a little ritual that I follow each year regarding doing my taxes - I gather all my info that I need - get a Roll Up the Rim Tim Horton's French Vanilla, sit in my "office" by the window and getter done!

my husband knows me well - my last piece of info came in the mail yesterday and I woke up this morning and he had my "office" (which is really the kitchen table moved in front of the window) all set up for me :)

Happy Taxes Everyone!

Lily's Birthday

Crazy to believe that this sweet baby is 1 already!!!

we have been blessed to watch Lily grow up over the past year

and last Sat we celebrated her 1st Birthday!

Matt took the pictures for the party - he is getting so good with the camera!

Sully and I did some crafting for the occasion - our very first sock monkey...the face is a little creepy - we will work on that for next time!

Happy Birthday Lily - we love you!!!

Valentine's Day

Matt and I celebrated Valentine's Day a week late as we had Sully's Grandma and Grandpa come out to babysit...soooo for Valentine's Day we kept it low key, but I couldn't let the day go by without Sully experiencing a little V-Day fun!

We made heart shaped pancakes for Daddy

and heart shaped cookies for mommy!

Crazy to think that in just a few short years I will no longer be the most important woman in Sully's life, but for now, I'm taking full advantage of the fact that I am!  Happy Valentine's Day little man!

Let's Go On A Date: February

Date Card

our evening started with some Panago Pizza with Sully

Sully went to bed and spa night started with a good foot soak in the tub!

why yes I am drinking my coke out of a wine glass because I am THAT classy:)

foot soak, nail cut, cuticle trim, wax hands, face mask, cucumber eyes and a wonderful foot massage - it was glorious!!!

and I of course added painted nails to that list!

we finished our evening off with a movie - so nice to pamper each other - such a relaxing evening!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Master Sullivan - 3 months

Sully is 3 months now!  He is currently weighing in at 15 lbs and still loves to eat!  He is sleeping well at night and as of recently has been having 8 hour stretches in between feeds - mama is loving that!  He is not the best napper - he tells me it's because he doesn't want to miss anything :)  Sully is becoming more and more interactive - he smiles and talks - he blow bubbles and try to mimic others facial movements.  He is fascinated with himself!  He loves play with his hands and recently discovered his feet and that has provided hours of entertainment!  And put a mirror in front of this guy and he can occupy himself for a good chunk of time!  He also is loving his jolly jumper and play mat!  He also been enjoying his bumbo seat - he likes to sit at the table with Matt and I during supper - he is a man of the people!

I was all like "Sully show me you Happy Valentine's Day pose" and this is what he did - should I be worried?! :)

he's his own biggest fan - he thinks he is soooo funny!

Random Cuteness

One of my favorite things about owning an Iphone is the accessibility of always having a camera with are a couple of pics over the past couple of weeks from my phone...random cuteness...

doesn't he look so old here?!

love his lashes

our for walks with mommy on a beautiful afternoon

opening his 3 month gift from Grandma & Grandpa


Rider Pride


more cuteness!

tummy time - he use to roll over daily - he has been on a rolling strike for almost a week now 

Visiting Auntie Becca

The day after Matt's Birthday Sully and I boarded a plane to Oregon to have a visit with Auntie Becca for the weekend - Matt had a crazy busy weekend at work so we jumped on the opportunity to head south!

The weather was not amazing so we ended up just staying put - we mostly just relaxed, chatted, drank hot beverages and played with Sully...sorry for the lack of pictures - but do you really need to see us sitting around in our comfy's enjoying a warm steamer?! :)

Sully with his Auntie

we did do a little crafting while we were there - Becca is hosting a baby shower this weekend so we pinterested some decor!

Becca introduced me to a local treat - Dutch Bros Coffee - you drink it out of a straw - FANTASTIC!

It was a great weekend away with Becca - she is a wonderful Auntie - Sully is one lucky dude!

Matt's 27th Birthday!

Matt turned 27 last week - his birthday happened to fall on the busiest week of his year as an Athletic Director - luckily we still found time for come celebrating!

Matt's family always opened birthday gifts in the morning as soon as you wake up - while your still in bed...the tradition continues...

Matt & Sully having a morning read of one of Matt's birthday gifts

a birthday breakfast - homemade cinni buns!

for supper we headed into Langley for some Montana's - Matt and Sully pulled out their plaid for the occasion

Love this man!  So happy that we get to celebrate life together - Happy 27th Matt!  Here's to another year full of adventure together!