Saturday, March 2, 2019

February Phone Drop

Pictures from our short month...

Book of the month club was a BIG success this month (note the RCMP books!!!)

Our Feb date was a fun one...

we celebrated Matt's 33rd Birthday

and for some reason we lost power for about 3 hours

but we got it back on to have cake with friends.

Nana and Papa had a place in Birch Bay for the week so we went down and spent the weekend with them.

we adventured out to the hot tub - the air was COLD!

Hastings came down and brought their lovely dog - the boys thought he was great!

Snow Day!

we updated our ensuite with a new coat of paint and a little décor

February 14th

Sully celebrated his sweet friend's birthday at project climb

two of his favorites were the climbing instructors!

Grams and Gramps came to visit!

Grams helped Sully construct his penguin costume for school

Sully had his student led conference, he was able to show his dad ALL the things he has been learning.

we celebrated Matt's 1 Year MS Anniversary - happily one year later he is in better health then he was last year at this time

sibling love :)

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