Weight - 19.5 lbs
Height - 29 inches
Feeding - You love ALL the food! You tend to be somewhat opinionated in the order you eat it things in. You still do two quick breastfeeds a day in the morning and right before bed, but soon that will be over as mom is headed back to work.
Sleeping - You have nailed sleep in the last month. You sleep ALL night through, but still tend to be an early riser. You are normally wake between 6:15-7am.
Milestones - You walked!!! You are not yet consistent, but at at the cabin you walked across the living room floor a few times. You sing along when music is on, clap your hands and dance. You sign "more" and understand "no" and "sit." You can point to each member of your family when named. "Dada" is still your only word, but you are making many new sounds. Your smile contains a total of 7 teeth.
Likes - eating, your family, water, music, girl toys
Dislikes - being told "NO," being put down when you don't want to be, strangers
Fun Times - travelled to Osoyoos with the Wiens, flew to Lloyd to spend a week at Grams & Gramps, went on your first daddy/daughter date to Cafe Armarti, travelled to Mahood Lake with the Walls, turned ONE!
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