Monday, December 31, 2018

Kaminski Advent 2018

Decemeber is a special month of excitement and is a glimpse of our daily advent activities from the month.

1. Downtown Christmas Tree Lighting

2. CLCC "All About the Baby" Christmas Production

3. Mail Christmas Cards

4. Drink Hot Chocolate

5. Dinner by Candlelight

6. Do a Puzzle

7. Color Christas Village!

8. Christmas Brinner!

9. Bedtime Surprise - late night visit to Nana & Papa's for popcorn and stories!

10. Twinkle Tour!

11. GLOW Langley

12. Visit Merry & Bright

13. Christmas Crafting

14. Give to Someone in Need

15. Make Christmas Cookies!

16. Christmas Movie Night

17. Family Christmas

18. Snowman Pancakes

19. Act out the Christmas Story

20. Airplane Ride to Lloydminster

21. Play in the Snow!

22. Meatloaf Christmas Tree

23. Gingerbread House

24. Christmas Eve Service

We had a great month!  The kids are at such a fun age to experience Christmas with!  We watched a Christmas movie over the holidays that said "Traditions are the stories that families write together."  Our tradition game is strong, even at a young age the boys know and look forward to the traditions that we have established as a family.  I hope the memories we are making with our family will stay with our kids for a lifetime and become apart of their story!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Christmas Frosting 2018

This post is personal - I like to be able to look back and see what/how we decorated from year to year.



our Advent Calendar

the twinkle!

November Phone Drop

A few pictures from November...

we had a BEAUTIFUL fall...the leaves were magnificent!  

we had many good conversations this year about Remembrance day and it's significance!

This is what Friday night hangs look like these days :)

I received the GREATEST gift this month and IT IS FANTASTIC!!!!

Shoeboxes with the kids

Visits from Grams and Gramps!

Setting up the "fun" tree - aka the ones with all the special ornaments

Dress as a book character day at school - Sully went as "Dudley Do Right"

baking with sister - she loved it!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

American Thanksgiving

Auntie Becca, for her ninth year in a row, made the trek up for American Thanksgiving!

Our festivities were delayed a day as Canadians' don't get the day off work so Friday we Black Friday shopped...

and that evening we feasted!

Such a treat to have mom and dad in the same town now - what a special Thanksgiving indeed!

as per tradition, after our feast the Christmas season begins in our house and that means...CHRISTMAS JAMMIES!!!!

be still my heart....

and the following morning...cinnamon buns!
that afternoon we put up our tree and hung the outdoor lights.

On the Monday we went over to mom and dads for supper and watched the Thanksgiving Day parade that they had tapped - the boys were impressed!

Always fun to share time and traditions with family!