Monday, December 18, 2017

Miss Everly Mae - 5 Months!

Weight - 14.5lbs

Height - 24.5 inches

Feeding - Not much has changed in the food department in the past month.  You still feed between 5-7 times a day.  

Sleeping - Also, not much change here.  You are napping three times a day and going to be well at 7ish every night.  You sometimes sleep for a wonderful, long stretch and only wake once for a feed in 12 hours; other times (the majority of nights) you are up twice to eat.

Milestones - You are confidently rolling from your tummy to your back and you very badly want to roll the other way, but get stuck getting your booty over.  You like like sitting in your bumbo and enjoy your exersauser.  You have very good eye, hand coordination and are very good at bringing EVERYTHING to your mouth!  Your two bottom front teeth just poked through a few days ago.  You found your voice this past month and love to "chat" with us.  You are still a very smiley little girl and love when someone comes into the room and pays attention to you!

Likes - Music, your family, the bath, your lion toy, your bee toy.

Dislikes - Being put down for a nap, rolling over in your sleep.

Fun Times - This past month you enjoyed a visit from Auntie Becca, celebrated your first American Thanksgiving, went to your first Christmas tree lighting and Twinkle Tour (it wasn't your favorite), participated in our advent activites and celebrated Abbotsford Christmas!

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