Weight - 13.8 lbs
Height - 23.5inches
Feeding - You are breastfeeding anywhere between 5-8 times every 24 hours. You officially do NOT like bottles and would rather starve then take a plastic nipple...just like your brothers.
Sleeping - The first half of the month you were an AMAZING sleeper! You were taking three solid naps a day and sleeping 9-10 hours stretches at night, only waking once in 13 hours to eat. Then we took you on a little weekend getaway to California and we broke you! You came home and started taking one hour naps and wanting to feed every three hours at night! We are hoping this is your "4 month sleep regression" and it's now out of the way!
Milestones - You are becoming very aware of your surroundings. You are very happy and smiley for your people, but definitely have a level of stranger danger with people you don't know. You can roll easily from your front to back and are trying hard to get from your back to front. You enjoy sitting in your bumbo and being apart of things. You have started to laugh and it's the sweetest little laugh, so different from your brothers, but so fun to hear!
Likes - her family, dancing with her daddy, playing under your playmat, the bath, your bumbo, Christmas lights
Dislikes - being tired, strangers
Fun Times - Uncle Dan came to visit, your friends Abby and Declan were born, you took part in your first Wall Pumpkin Party night, you celebrated your first Halloween as a cute little strawberry, you travelled to LA to meet your cousin Gracie, your Nana, Grams & Gramps came to visit!
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