Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Miss Everly Mae - 3 months!

Weight - 13 lbs

Height - 23 inches

Feeding - You are eating between 6-7 a day and the last week, you have been waking only once at night to eat!!!  You are a great little breastfeeder and still prefer it, over the bottle.  You started off strong with the bottle, but now will only take it form your mama, which defeats the purpose.    

Sleeping - You are a pretty great little sleeper!  You are normally in bed for 12 hours at night and once you are asleep (sometimes it takes a bit to get you there), you sleep for 12 hours with one quick feed somewhere in there - bliss!  Napping is still a bit of a work in progress.  You had a GREAT week of naps and then had a few off days and now seem to be getting back on track.  You have been taking a LONG morning nap (2 and a bit hours), a medium afternoon nap (1 hour) and normally an evening catnap (45min).  We still just put you down in your crib awake, you fuss for 5-10 min, and then fall asleep on your own!    

Milestones - You are able to focus more on objects around you and have started to bat at them.  You are very interactive with us and smile a lot!  You make the cutest little "talking" noises.  You like tummy time.  Just this past week we put you in your bumbo seat and you seem to really enjoy it!  You remain a one way roller - from your front to your back.  The other day you rolled over during your nap and your weren't happy about it!

Likes - your family, the bath, dancing with you daddy, playing with your lion in your bouncy seat, being talked to

Dislikes - being tired or gassy

Fun Times - In the past month you have been blessed with the birth of your first cousin, attended CBC's Alumni Weekend, attended a friends baby shower, celebrated your first Canadian Thanksgiving and had visits from Great Papa & Nana!

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