Saturday, September 30, 2017

September Phone Dump

A few pictures from our busy month.

Sully is such a great big brother - he actually put her to sleep during this snuggle session.

Jesus has taught us MANY things this past month...some of the lessons were taught through this here leaky pipe :(     

Taking advantage of Canada's 150th Birthday and free admissions to National Parks!

September Date took us to White Rock

we had rolled gelato for the first time - it was fun to watch them make and delicious to eat!

our cute third wheel on our date

checking out a newish park in Coquitlam - it was built into a hill which made for some fun climbing/sliding adventures

a lot of trucks were played thus month

September has finally brought cool enough weather for sleepers

siblings :)

shopping in Walmart and looked up and saw this...the cutest!

waking Sully up from a rare afternoon nap

Sunday morning at the Bearcats Athlete Retreat

Group Photo - 2017 Bearcat Athletes, Coaches & Staff

on Sully's first day of Kindergarten Branson had an agenda for us to complete at home!

Big/Best Brothers with their Little Sister

MCC Relief Sale

they had the greatest face painting ladies

photo booth fun!

tummy time

Everly taking her first bottle

Sully's school picture day

Sully lost his first tooth this past month (while eating a peach).

in our house we call this kale salad Branson's salad - it's his FAV and he eats tons of it when we have it!

Kindergarten field trip to the apple orchards and pumpkin patch - it was a HOT day with temperatures getting up to 28 degrees!

post dinner dance sessions

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