Saturday, September 30, 2017

September Phone Dump

A few pictures from our busy month.

Sully is such a great big brother - he actually put her to sleep during this snuggle session.

Jesus has taught us MANY things this past month...some of the lessons were taught through this here leaky pipe :(     

Taking advantage of Canada's 150th Birthday and free admissions to National Parks!

September Date took us to White Rock

we had rolled gelato for the first time - it was fun to watch them make and delicious to eat!

our cute third wheel on our date

checking out a newish park in Coquitlam - it was built into a hill which made for some fun climbing/sliding adventures

a lot of trucks were played thus month

September has finally brought cool enough weather for sleepers

siblings :)

shopping in Walmart and looked up and saw this...the cutest!

waking Sully up from a rare afternoon nap

Sunday morning at the Bearcats Athlete Retreat

Group Photo - 2017 Bearcat Athletes, Coaches & Staff

on Sully's first day of Kindergarten Branson had an agenda for us to complete at home!

Big/Best Brothers with their Little Sister

MCC Relief Sale

they had the greatest face painting ladies

photo booth fun!

tummy time

Everly taking her first bottle

Sully's school picture day

Sully lost his first tooth this past month (while eating a peach).

in our house we call this kale salad Branson's salad - it's his FAV and he eats tons of it when we have it!

Kindergarten field trip to the apple orchards and pumpkin patch - it was a HOT day with temperatures getting up to 28 degrees!

post dinner dance sessions

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Alumni Games and the Introduction of the NEW MASCOT!

This past weekend was the CBC Alumni weekend. Every year the current sports teams play against an Alumni team of that sport.  Matt played on the alumni volleyball team and the boys were pretty pumped to watch their dad play.  

Everly sporting our Bearcat sleeper (it's now been through all three kids and a few extra little Bearcats over the years)

The Alumni weekend was also the introduction of CBC's new mascot - The Bearcat :)

Sully was a huge fan, Branson was completely terrified!

Matt playing!

Pictures of the current teams along with the alumni teams.

Men's Basketball

Woman's Volleyball

Woman's Basketball

Men's Volleyball

Introducing Miss Grace Mae!

Our first niece/cousin was born last week and we could not be more excited!!!  

So thankful for technology when we all live so far apart - here is Miss Grace meeting her Nana & Papa in Alberta, her Auntie in Oregon and her other Auntie in BC - so cool! (I think you can tell by all our faces how PUMPED we were to meet her!)

My beautiful sister-in-law and little Grace!

November can't come soon enough - so excited to meet this special girl in real life and give her cuddles!

Nathan and Caitlin used these shirts, last February, to announce to us that they were pregnant

and just a few months later here is our party of three so happy to have a cousin! :)

Monday, September 18, 2017

Miss Everly Mae - 2 months

Weight - 11 lbs

Height - 22 inches

Feeding - You are eating between 7-8 times a day with 5 of those feeds being during daytime hours!  You love to eat and have learned to burp well!  And just yesterday you took your first bottle!

Sleeping - You have come a LONG way in the past month in the sleep department!  You are now are going to bed around 8ish and sleeping till 7/8ish.  You normally eat twice during the night, but you are doing GREAT at going back to bed after you eat!  This has been a game changer for us!  We love sleep!  Your stretching out your eating too. Your longest stretch at night has been 7 hours and what a treat it was!  And my new favorite thing about you is how EASY you are going down for daytime naps (which you are taking 4 of a day)!  I hesitate to even write this as I don't want to jinx it, but for the last weekish I wrap you up sing you a song and put you down in your crib awake and you fall asleep within 5 to 10 min - no rocking, no pacing, just one happy baby and mama!  Your naps are anywhere between 45min to 3 hours - your still the boss there!  If you aren't in your crib napping you are happily sleeping in your ergo or while driving in the car.  We are so thankful for so many sleep improvements over the past month - can't wait to see what this next month brings!

Milestones - You sleep in your crib at night and most naps. You are very smiley and enjoy interacting with your people. You just started to coo a bit a few days ago.  You are getting better at tracking people and sounds.  You have just started batting at toys.  You have rolled over from your front to back a few times.

Likes - your family, the bath, the carrier, music

Dislikes - being tired, thinking you are alone

Fun Times - In the past month you have been to the Abbotsford Car Show, visited DinoTown, had visits from Nana & Papa, visited Fort Langley, went to White Rock and went to the CBC Athletes Retreat!