Tuesday, May 2, 2017

April Phone Dump

Here's a random look into our April...

April 1st - opening their "book of the month" - it's an exciting time in our house!

Matt and I split and conquer with the boys this day - getting errands done with only one kid is always easier - Sully got to come grocery shopping - B got to ride a quad - seems fair ;)

Sully's "zoo"

toonie swim!

Easter treats from our sweet neighbors

B and I on a date to DQ to share a blizzard!

post nap snuggles

Abby has a new playgroud - Branson approved!

when it's raining outside and you need to kill time while your vehicle gets checked...Timmy's to the rescue!

visit from Grams and Gramps!

shopping night down to Target - 8 women in 1 minivan :)

the van is proving itself VERY useful!  here is is full of sandbox supplies!

April date night started with coffees and paint color picking (followed by a movie!)

Matt's school year is winding down for the year - this was at their end of the year brunch

Cheryl and I had a night out last week to celebrate her birthday - it was a treat - no kids - just real adult convo!

more special treats from our neighbors - they spoil us!

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