Sunday, January 10, 2016

December Phone Dump

My December phone dump (and a few extras from November that I found on Matt's phone!)

Little get together with these three beauties - we all grew up together in Lloydminster and now we all live with in a half hour of each other in BC!

reading stories with Mr. Duncan

Christmas Party season at our house calls for hot apple cider

CBC Athletics Christmas party

some early morning snuggles under the tree

this guy is into EVERYTHING!

I was vacuuming the basement one day and had left Branson playing in our guest bedroom.  When I came around the corner he was halfway up the stairs - I didn't even know he knew how to do stairs!

brothers playing

we were in the USA for the morning doing some running around and Home Depot was having a building day - Sully made a cute little wooden airplane

always climbing

icing sugar cookies

NICU Christmas party

Baby Kate is born!

learning to stand without holding onto anything - he was pretty proud of himself!

post nap B :)

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