Tuesday, December 1, 2015

American Thanksgiving

We celebrated American Thanksgiving this past weekend.  My sister came up from Oregon for the weekend - I think this is her 5th year in a row making the trek up for Thanksgiving - we so enjoy sharing the holiday and all the traditions with her!

I am proud to say that this is my VERY FIRST turkey that has actually turned out!!!  I think I finally have figured it out!  

That night, after our Thanksgiving meal, the boys both opened a present - in it was a pair of new Christmas jammies and a new Christmas book.

Matching PJ's!!!

I mean - how cute are they?!

the next morning, as per tradition, we eat cinimmon buns!

and then decorate our big tree!

Branson was napping while we put the tree up, but it's fair to say he was pretty impressed when he woke up :)

next up - the outdoor lights - Matt does great work - every light is perfectly spaced and color coordinated!

we enjoyed having Becca here!  Sully and her played and played and played :)

Auntie Becca with her nephews!

Becca flies out of the states so we made a bit of a day of it - just the two of us - it was blissful!

When I got home from my time away Branson and I sat on the couch and snuggled a bit.  That was the longest we had been away from each other in his little life.  It was so great to be away, but it's also so nice to be missed - I felt the love!

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