Monday, October 12, 2015

Nana Comes to Town

We so appreciate that our family is able to travel and come visit us and spend time with our ever growing boys!  Nana was able to come last week.  The boys both love spending time with her - she is becoming very good at the Nana spoiling :)  She blesses us by watching the boys so that I can go to the dentist and eye doctors without kids!  And of course...she let's Matt and I go out on dates!!!  WIN WIN WIN!!!

Reading Branson his favorite book

Mom's Birthday was the day after she left us - we celebrating with some singing and cupcakes

it was Fire Prevention Week so all the fire halls had open houses - we checked out our local hall

there was lots of baking with Nana

and a visit to one of our pumpkin patches

Sully took his job of finding the perfect pumpkin VERY seriously!

both boys got their pumpkin for the year

Thanks for coming Nana - we appreciate all that you do for us - we LOVE you!!!

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