Thursday, April 16, 2015

Visits from G&G

We were blessed with a visit from Matt's parents this past week!  Sully LOVES when his Grams Gramps visit!

Branson also loves when his Grams and Gramps visit - he slept great while they were out thanks to some great baby rocking from Grams!

While they were visiting we went for a hike up Teapot Hill - it's a fun hike with teapots hidden all along the trail.  We spotted 40 pots in all!

there were also some pretty fantastic trees to be seen!

one of the viewpoints

Another highlight of Grams & Gramps trip was a new sandbox!!!  Gramps found a great sandbox design - complete with a retractable lid!  Sully and him worked away in the garage to complete the box - I don't know who had more fun :)

the completed box

the lid folds up and becomes little benches on either side

the first time playing in it - yes it's currently set up in our garage (we are waiting for strata approval to move it outside) - still so fun though - I suppose every little boy needs one - thanks Gramps!

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